Photo by Ashutosh Sonwani via Pexels
This poem is quite fresh. This was no small penny that dropped after a lot of self reflecting and trying to make sense of my own story. (Told ya things would get personal).
You’ll notice that there was a pattern in these last pieces, as the subject was in my mind and life moment: anger and making space for your feelings. I’m quite pride of this one! It was a deep experience for me, to realize how strong I actually was to endure everything life has thrown at me. Not only that: how strong I still am! It gives me strength when I read this poem.
It makes it clear on how personal life experiences are and how different people feel empowered by different things. For me, a lot of that means finding that my way of seeing the world is my own and no one can take that away from me by trying to make me feel weak because I feel “too much” or I am too “sensitive”. This reminds me, I have also recently been so touched by the lyrics of Florence & The Machine’s Free:
“And “You’re too sensitive”, they said
I said, “Okay, but let’s discuss this at the hospital”
For some people, feelings are all there is. Here, rage for me is represented by fire and how fast it spreads. I feel like I would be a very different person if I had the opportunity to feel all of the rage I held on. But that does not mean I cannot start now, right?
Do you have a similar experience? I want to know your opinions!
Had my spirit not been broken
If they had not broken my spirit
My rage would have caught fire
I would have walked on the path burned to the ground by it.
It would have been warm with justice
I would have walked it proud knowing that my spark ignited it all.
I myself would have learned to tame it.
I would have learned to not burn with it.
Unburnt - because if my own fire could not consume me,
Do you think any other force of nature could take me down?
I would have learned that fire was just a small part of me
That spread only because
There was no space for them all.