
Weena Potter

“I don’t write because the world needs my verses. I write because they need to pour out of me”. WP

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Photo by Michael Morse via Pexels

"Outrage" is pretty raw on my indignation about how can people simply not talk about so many important parts of life.
Grief is inevitable, yet we treat it like the worse thing that could happen to us, like it never will. It happens from the first breath of life, like I say in the poem.
How can we expect it to go away?
The interesting thing about grief that I think most do not talk about is that, usually after death, more life comes. In fact, I believe that in order to make space for more living, sometimes things have to die. That is the everyday grief that inspired this piece.

It only saddens me and fills me with rage that I had to take so long to understand it to a lack of people recognizing it for what it is. I wish everyone would talk about it, make it normal enough so most of us know it is part of life. But I do know that is not how things work, even though knowing does very little to help with the injustice of the world.

What you think about "normalizing" grief? Let's talk in the comments!


Maybe every time your tiny world shatters,

You are born again.

You would think that because it happens so early,
(For a newborn, the world was the womb)

People would have tried to make it more clear
That all of life is made of grief.

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